Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Back ...

Hey India... It's me. I'm back again.

I reached Chennai on the 1st of May. The SQ flight landed at 10 pm. It took me just 10 mins to clear the immigration. They've renovated the immigration area. The area was clean & cool. I was quite amazed. But, it took nearly 30 minutes to get the baggage. I took my baggage and cleared the customs. My entire family was eagerly waiting outside the airport, for my arrival. My daughter jumped in joy, on seeing me. I could see nothing but smile on everyone's face. We reached home by 11.30 pm.

The next morning, I took a walk on the streets - just to get a hang of Chennai. India hasn't changed much in the last 6 years. Trash piling up along the sides of the road, groups of people near tea stalls talking politics, folks who 'drink' in the morning, children using the walkways as 'open-air' restrooms. India hasn't changed much. At the same time, I was happy to see the city in 'action' at 6 am. Group of boys sorting the morning newspapers for delivery, folks boarding buses to get to work/school, ladies cleaning their front-yards, people doing exercise at parks. India hasn't changed much. Have you read the story where a princess was cursed by a witch and the princess + the whole kingdom goes into a deep sleep for many many years? Similarly, everything has been preserved 'as-is' in Chennai.

Chennai is so 'lively'. It is good to see people 'everywhere'. I don't have to take a 'Google Map' before leaving home - I can ask the road side shops for directions. There is good 'veggie restaurants' everywhere - I don't have to drive for hours to get to one. I've ditched my favorite 'Soy Cafe Latte' for 'Lemon/Black Tea'. I love the fresh juices that we get along the road side. (Also read: Why am I a Vegan?)

Gone are the days when I drove my Honda Accord to work (with 4 empty seats). I now commute to work in a 'share auto' with 10 other passengers squeezed-in. I don't have to worry about 'credit history' - still able to survive without a credit card. I got a new toy - Nokia E63 for INR 13.5K. Prices have all gone up - but, I now do the math in dollars & it seems very affordable now :)

I'm enjoying the ride so far. Hopefully, it will get more exciting soon.

Also read:

Post R2I life in India

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