Friday, July 6, 2007

Standard of fresh graduates in India

I interviewed a fresh candidate at my work, today. He had done B.E (IT). His areas of interest had "Operating System" in it. I asked him a simple question - "What are the functions of an operating system"? He answered "Scheduling". I asked "What else?". He was spell bound. He couldn't think of anything else. I was astonished. A guy who has done his Bachelors in IT with a score of 83% couldn't answer what the functions of an operating system are. I then started probing more.

Me: What is the OS you used at college?

Him: Windows

Me: What do you do with it?

Him: I write C programs. I execute some sytem commands in the "command prompt".

Me: How are the C programs stored?

Him: They are stored as "files".

Me: Doesn't the OS manage these files - storing/retrieving etc.,?

Him: Yes

Me: What do you call these devices as - monitor, keyboard, mouse, joy stick, & printer?

Him: Hardware

Me: Hardware is too generic. What do you call these devices as?

Him: Access devices

Me: Don't you use these devices to give input & get output from computers?

Him: Yes

Me: Now, what do you call these devices as?


Me: Don't you call them as "I/O devices"?

Him: Yes

Me: Doesn't the OS manage these I/O devices?

Him: Yes. Sir! I should've had a staff like you in college. I should've met you a year back when preparing for interviews.

Me: Well, it is not too late.

I told him that he may not be suited for the position that we are looking to fill. I then recommended him the list of things he should learn. I also gave him my contact number & email. I asked him to get in touch with me for any questions/doubts regarding interview preparation. I wished him all the best. 

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